Saturday, March 8, 2008

In the wide

He said even a small detail of a picture has to be taken care of.
He related that to God who takes care of the small little dot(us) in a really big picture(universe).
He said the outcome of a blank piece of paper is all depend on us who are the painter.
He said its really important to read biographies of other artists.
He said we have to write more poems because its the best way to balance our left brain and right brain.
He said its crucial for us to think and observe more of the things around us.
He called us not to be a shallow-minded person but a person who thinks in a wider view.
He called us to gain more knowledge.
He said drawing is not the only art and he called us to enjoy other arts in this world too.
He said when he was 15 years old, he had allowed his brain to wonder past the more complicated and crucial thing in our life.
Then, he trusts in Jesus Christ.
He does not want us to be trapped in the small art classroom but to go out and see more things so he has organized a lot of outings.
He gives encouragement to the needy.
He said its important to be sensitive to arts.
He said its also important to be able to express yourself out.
Its impossible to create a new artwork if we can't express ourselves.

And he said we have to be brave to touch the tip of the brush that is in our hands to that blank piece of paper!

I wrote down some of the things he said here so that I won't forget what he said.


When I'm in a rough sea and thinks everything is impossible and hopeless, He'll always be there and make everything possible. When He is there, there is hope!

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