Thursday, July 5, 2007


Sometimes when you lose your direction,
You just want someone to point the right way..

Sometimes when you are not the "you",
You just wish someone is there to remind who you are because you know that you hate the not "you"..

Sometimes when you are feeling down,
You just want someone to be just there to clear the frown..

Sometimes when every back is on you,
You just wish that someone will be there to turn around and smile towards you..

Sometimes when you feel that you are lack of words of encouragement,
You just wish that someone is there to rebuild the strength..

Sometimes when life seems like an overwhelming mess of tears and depressing thoughts,
You just want someone to lift the heavy heart of yours..

Sometimes when you feel like giving up to them Devils,
You just wish someone will keep you strong from raising the white flag..

Sometimes when you see your friends go astray,
You just wish that you have the special hand to gather them safely on the right road again..

Sometimes when you just want to cry out but no words or tears comes out,

You just wish that you can have a silent place to rest in..

Sometimes when you feel like you are just talking to yourself,
You wish that someone will tell you that it is not crazy to be in this little shelf because you know that there are still people outside who have the same thoughts as yours..

Sometimes you know that you are tired to continue in this big war..
Sometimes you know that you can't bear to see the sufferings and all the craziness the world is facing..

Sometimes you know that you just want to scream out loud to tell them that these are not the right ways..

Sometimes you know that you are too weak to save everyone from the eternity flame..

Sometimes you know that there are too many "sometimes" that you want to say out but you just don't have enough time...

But you know somehow that all you can do is to just pray..

And to start taking action without doubting!

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