Thursday, July 19, 2007

†juSt sOmE tHouGhts†

Some say listening to songs while studying is really a bad idea and should not be practised...!

This statement can be agreed and also cannot be agreed...

Listening to songs while studying sometimes does affect your mood to not study and also to study...!

If you are a person that can't study in a total silentness in a room..

you can try listening to some music~

However, some precautions should be taken seriously before you plunge into that...!

Firstly, you should not listen to your favourite songs(you may sing along thus forgeting what you had read or studied)

Second, you should listen to just music without anyone singing in it...
example, instrumental...=)
however, after some surveys made, some complain that these musics tend to cause students to sleep even faster than anything else..o.O!

Third, you should listen to songs which contain language which you don't be easy...just any Japanese, Korean, etc songs...
You will not get attracted to the lyric in the song because you don't understand any word they are singing..!
This is by far the best of all for least for me....=P...

well, just some thoughts and theories made by myself~!=D

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