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Powerhouse mission Blog
Monday, August 25, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
and i heard you say...
Separations, partings, break ups, divorces..
All of these we will have to face every now and then..
Either its temporary or permanent, big or small, it'll always be there
nothing is permanent in this moving world..
one day we'll have the things we have always wanted, and another day we lost it..
One day we'll be close to this one particular friend, and the next, maybe due to some circumstances or reasons or maybe just no reason at all, separation comes..
One day we'll be on top of the world and may thought we will always be, but what next? we find ourselves at the bottom..
We cannot avoid all of these partings, however, through it, let it to help us to appreciate each other more and to get the most in every opportunity we have before it'll be lost or taken away, not to take things for granted..
All of the separations i had gone through, even though some of them may not be that big, all of them help me to open up my mind and to open my eyes to God, that He still remains and is everlasting.
You will remain after the day is gone and the things on earth have passed
It gives me the assurance that He never fails no matter what!
No matter how many partings im going to go through now or or will later in life,I know that He'll always be there, looking over me.
He promised.
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12:49 PM