Monday, May 19, 2008

God is love!

All of this while, God has been merciful and loving towards me. He guarded my way and told me where i have gone wrong so that I will be able to walk back to Him. He taught me and are readily to accept me back! In the process, He is gracious enough to help me because He just understands that i need the strength to do it!I will never ever do it alone without Him at all!I've been trying to save a lot of pride in my certain relationship. There's still a lot of work on that but when looking back from here towards my past which is full of cold-hearted, hard-hearted(if ever there is this word) time, i realised that He has been looking and guarding me all the time to the way out of this particular sin and giving me the will to do it.
Praise God and its all His glory!

Anyway, recently there's one day when He put some thoughts in me. I was totally excited for an event and I had put in a lot of effort and plans into it. A change i want to see in that event, i was really fire up.
However, everything just went broken into pieces at the very last minute as it had already happened again and again in fact. I cried out to God and I thought that this is exactly God must be feeling. In fact, more sad than me because its His children Himself who is treating Him like this all the while. Being ignorant and forsaking Him. How sad is He to see His children going astray everywhere. But still, because of love, He still tries His hardest to reach out to His lost lambs because He just loves us too much! How wonderful and pure that love is? I remember my teacher said that lambs actually do not know they will be killed in a second time. When there is a butcher raising up his ax ready to strike the lamb, the lamb will not even recognize the danger and still standing and staring at it innocently. That's exactly like how humans are. We dont know that danger is just right beyond us and went staring blinkly at it. But God choose to protect us if only we could turn our eyes towards Him. Praise the Lord!

By the way, i found out about this wonderful fact!
Do you know that we have protein molecules in our body?
I bet its a yes..haha
But do you know that there's this protein molecule called "laminin"?
The role of laminin in our body is actually to bind our body tissues and all together.

Here is the wonderful part!

the structure of the laminin is exactly shaped like the cross!
its like we can see His mark through the Biology area..haha
He even stated it in this verse..

[Colossians 1:16-17]
16For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. 17He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

How wonderful are His creations..=)

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