Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Days in school are getting harder and challenging...

these are the feelings i felt and am going through these few days which is why i cant possibly talk about them..

sadness + nervousness + curiousity + lacking of time + rushing to finish homeworks + get shocked by friends' sudden gasp/shout when they found out that there is a small tiny little piece of homework which only need to pass up days later + dullness + boringness + injustice + no-laughing zone (serious) + sleepiness + laziness + desire to "" others..sigh.. + feeling lost + waiting for confirmation + feeling of giving up + worry + cant wait for friday, saturday and sunday + trying to be good + searching ways to help them! + dan lain-lain... + disappointment
= *faint* ......


Phrase for today...

"Be faithful and leave the results with God.."

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